Portaria regulamenta regras de contratação de autônomos e trabalho intermitente

A portaria nº 349/2018 do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego – MTE, publicada no último dia 24 de maio, deixou mais claros pontos da Reforma Trabalhista (Lei 13.467/2017) no que…

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Estado de São Paulo Institui Programa de Estímulo à Conformidade Tributária

Está em vigor no Estado de São Paulo a Lei Complementar nº 1.320/18, que institui o Programa de Estímulo à Conformidade Tributária, denominada pela SEFAZ de “Nos Conformes”. Referido programa…

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Comments on the New Bankruptcy Law and Corporate Reorganization. “The Bankruptcy Trustee, Committee and Meeting of Creditors under the Corporate Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law.” Maria Odete Duque Bertasi

“This book is intended to law professionals, judges, lawyers, members of the Prosecution Office, as well as to business owners, accountants, economists, consultants, experts, with the purpose of helping understand…

Continue lendoComments on the New Bankruptcy Law and Corporate Reorganization. “The Bankruptcy Trustee, Committee and Meeting of Creditors under the Corporate Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law.” Maria Odete Duque Bertasi

Arbitration and Development. “The Arbitration Claim and the Bankruptcy Process.” Maria Odete Duque Bertasi

“Law no. 9,307, dated Sept. 9, 1996, which regulated arbitration in Brazil (LA), brought a change in the way of the Brazilian legal community thinks and acts. It was actually…

Continue lendoArbitration and Development. “The Arbitration Claim and the Bankruptcy Process.” Maria Odete Duque Bertasi

Corporate Contracts – INTERPRETED BY COURTS. “The discount issue on factoring agreements.” Maria Odete Duque Bertasi

“Case law is at the core of the activities of legal practitioners, since it will be the basis of petitions, arguments and votes; hence the importance of this solid work,…

Continue lendoCorporate Contracts – INTERPRETED BY COURTS. “The discount issue on factoring agreements.” Maria Odete Duque Bertasi

Family Assets – Relevant Legal Aspects. “Family assets and cases of fraud upon the execution according to case law precedents, with emphasis in the STJ” Maria Odete Duque Bertasi

“This book presents many aspects on family assets which, as emphasized in its chapters, is already an old topic, dating back to the early history of Law. However, it is…

Continue lendoFamily Assets – Relevant Legal Aspects. “Family assets and cases of fraud upon the execution according to case law precedents, with emphasis in the STJ” Maria Odete Duque Bertasi