Corporate Restructuring, Reorganization, and Bankruptcy

Shifts in market dynamics, the economic crisis and changes in the legislation can often lead to involuntary indebtedness and uncontrolled costs and expenses of the company, resulting in the protest of securities and the filing of lawsuits, many times exerting an impact on the ownership structure, causing leadership conflicts between partners.

In such situations, it is essential to carry out a review of the company’s operations, an analysis of the reduction of costs and expenses, debt renegotiation, cash flow rectification and improvement of internal controls, credit recovery, in addition to corporate and tax measures, if deemed necessary.

Once the legal requirements are present, the reorganization or court-supervised reorganization of the company may also turn out to be the recommended solution to allow the company to overcome its economic and financial crisis and thus maintain the production source, workers’ jobs, and the interest of creditors, which will contribute to the social function of the company and stimulate its economic activity.

The firm is qualified to offer the above services, mainly the following:

  • Legal counsel in company restructuring
  • Legal counsel in the filing of in and out-of-court recovery actions. Means of recovery. Payment terms. Reorganization plans. General Meeting of Creditors
  • Legal counsel in enforcement actions against joint debtors, suretyships, accommodations, pledges, and mortgages
  • Credit recovery
  • Bankruptcy